Bugaboo is having a
DT Call...here are the details from their blog:
How Long Is the DT Call Open?
We are going to try something a little different this round. There are two rounds to our call.
1. Create a post and link it below. Post must include 1 Bugaboo project and 2 other of your favorite projects. Please note these can be new or older projects it is your choice. This phase of the call will be open until November 10th midnight EST. We will contact those who have been chosen to move on to round 2. Please make sure we have your email.
2 If you are chosen to continue to round 2, we will send you a predetermined image which you will make a project and turn back into us it would make things much quicker and give you more time to create if you make sure your email is in your post of the first round.
What Kind of Responsibilities Does the DT Have?
As a DT Member you would be required to take part in a minimum of 4 projects and a maximum of 6 assignments throughout the month. You will know all of the upcoming challenges and assignments and most can be worked on ahead of time.
Is It OK If I'm on Another DT?
Not to worry, as long as you can commit to the Bugaboo DT and are not conflicted with other DT work then of course feel free to apply, but please consider the new workload before you apply, the last thing we want is for you to struggle to keep up with the assignments, this is meant to be fun and stress free, not a job that you feel obliged to do, so again please do keep that in mind
What If I've Never Been on a DT Before?
Not a problem at all, we welcome all applications whether you have DT experience or not, in fact we would encourage peeps with no previous DT experience to try out for our Design Team, more so over those that do, we want to give everyone a fair chance
When Will the New DT Be Announced?
The new DT Members will be announced by November 29th. New Term officially begins on January 1, 2011.
Good Luck!
I've only been working with them for a week but they are a bunch of fun Ladies and Paul. I'm going to go for it so wish me good luck:) My email is
sunifla1@comcast.net Below are my entries for the call: